Ultimo mondo cannibale

Ultimo mondo cannibale 1977 English Last Cannibal World, UK theatrical title Cannibal, also known as Jungle Holocaust is a cannibal exploitation film directed by Ruggero Deodato, which stars Massimo Foschi, Me Me Lai and Ivan Rassimov. The screenplay was written by Tito Carpi, Gianfranco Clerici and Renzo Genta, and tells the story of a man trying to escape from a jungle island inhabited by a native cannibal tribe.

A group of oil prospectors travel to an outpost in a jungle on the island of Mindanao. A rough landing damages the plane. The two prospectors Robert Massimo Foschi and Rolf Ivan Rassimov find the abandoned remains of the original prospecting camp. Later, a member of the team goes missing. The two prospectors and their pilot go into the jungle, and the pilot is killed. The two prospectors then discover that the missing team member was eaten by cannibals. After getting separated in the jungle, Robert is kidnapped by a stoneage cannibal tribe. The tribe subjects Robert to various tortures, including tying him up, stripping him nude and fondling his genitals, and repeatedly dropping him with a bungee cord. The cannibals then imprison Robert in a cave, where he is starved.Robert manages to escape with a native girl Me Me Lai, who he keeps tied to a cord. The native girl tries to escape, and Robert rapes her. The two then find Rolf, whose leg is infected with gangrene. The three of them wander through the jungle until they eventually find the landing field. The cannibals then set upon them and kill the native girl, then cook and eat her. After Rolf is hit in the chest with a spear, Robert fights and kills one of the cannibals with a spear laced with cobra venom. Robert then eats the natives liver to frighten the other cannibals. Robert and Rolf then manage to make it to the plane and fly off. ........

Source: Wikipedia